Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My favorite funny sites

Okay, I admit to spending way to much time cruising the internet looking for funny things that make me laugh. Some of my favorite sites are too good to keep to myself. Here, for your enjoyment, are Gene's Favorite Places to Laugh - a great news site that spoofs Christians and our pomposity - a spoof of Tech Support and the people who support the 'Users' - another spoof site that lists all the wacko patents given out in the USA

Still waiting on the bank to finish the loan. The appraiser is appraising the house for the loan-to-value ratio (house >= loan), then we should be approved and start construction. We spent Memorial Day weekend at the property building our storage shed. It's the art studio in the Stinking River (see Blog somewhere down below). Three walls are up and we hope to get one or more today. And our replacement mower arrived from Country Home Products (the DR Mower people). The first threw a piston rod or something and blew a hole in the crankcase after 10 minutes of run time. DR sent a replacement engine, but it was for last year's model. To make amends they sent us a new mower and it's here, waiting at the lumber yard for us to clear the trailer (full of shed lumber) and pick up. More to come on that...

Friday, May 05, 2006

The electric company--we're gonna give you the power!

Does anyone besides me remember the theme song to the PBS kids show The Electric Company? "We're gonna turn you on, we're gonna give you the power!" Well, we found out that our electric company is gonna be the rural co-op; we weren't sure that was going to be the best news but our friend Kenny (an electrician) said it was. After we walked the property with the engineer from Pioneer we we're 'juiced' up! Instead of a $4,000 utility fee I had budgeted, we are paying $72 for a meter base. What a blessing!


The BANK has our paperwork and is 'processing' it. I hope that doesn't involve a shredder.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Now, the work is done...

Well, the hard planning is done. The scratching of our heads and beating them against the drawing board is over--we have mailed our permit, plans and hopes off to the bank. If all is in order we should hear from them in about three weeks with their offer on the loan. If not, I have no idea what we will do. It's in God's hands all along, it just is more obvious now with our scurrying around finished. Sitting still we can 'be still and know that He is God'. I have thought a lot on what Jesus said about worry--he said 'don't worry about what you will eat or wear or where you will live. Who can add a hair to their head or a minute to their life by effort or anxiety.' 1 Peter 5: says that we are to be humble because God is opposed to the proud. We are to humble ourselves under God's powerful hand and let Him place us in prominence when He wants us to be there. And throw our anxiety on His shoulders because, after all, He cares about us a lot. The relationship between anxiety and humility doesn't make sense at first, at least to me. But I think that pride in ourselves warps our perspective, especially concerning what we can control. If I live with the attitude that I control my life, and the outcome of the events I am concerned about is in my sphere of control, then it's natural that I will be worried or pensive about the resolution of events. If I have a more Jesus-like attitude, that God is in charge of every event and my worry does nothing but cut me off from faith, then I will be avoiding pride and anxiety. Avoiding those attitudes is a great thing. Truly, "contentment with Godliness is of great gain"!