Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Memo to self: remember to call before you dig

Have you ever seen those signs that say something like "Remember to call us before you dig"? Working in military communications for the last 18 years, I have seen countless examples of why you do this. We refer to heavy machinery as 'cable finders' for their common use as a buried cable cutter. So, as we begin to build the first thing I have forgotten to do was to call before the digging started. The bobcat hit a three pair, direct bury telephone cable at six inches depth. It's a dead line that used to provide service to our next door neighbor. So, for everyone watching at home; remember to call before you dig.

"A driveway? Happy thought, indeed"

To paraphrase and abuse Jane Austin, a gravel drive way is a happy thought indeed. Just this morning, as I drove out after a nightime thunderstorm, the road was rough but dry. This week we have broken ground and only one telephone cable. Turns out it was an old service run to our next door neighbor--no longer used. Whew! That would be an terrible way to get to know the neighbors, "Hi, my name is Gene and we just had the telephone cable cut for your place. What's your name?"

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Get a golden shovel honey!

Well, we closed the construction loan today and I want everyone to do their part to keep interest rates down so the adjustable part of the rate doesn't. During the construction we will have an adjustable rate loan; it starts with a lower rate than the prime but it can climb as high as 12.95%--if the LIBOR (London Interbank loan rate) goes that high. Since it's been low and isn't only tied to the US market I hope it doesn't change too much. We will see.

But, we can start construction next week. The backhoe should be on site on Tuesday and putting in a road (good thing, as it's 4WD to get past the swamp/mud bath). He will also start the footers for the foundation for the house and the garage. Our shed is almost done, all we need is a door and to install the bay window. Plus finish enclosing the gable end and shingle it. Can't be more that three days of hard work.