Wednesday, April 18, 2007

End of Wednesday's work

This is what it looked like this afternoon. The scaffolding is down on the East side and all of the trim, soffit, siding and painting is done there. We hope that we are done here, as it's the hardest to get to, except for the top of the silo. Next up is the North-East side of the gable wall, above our bedroom balcony. While Linnea works on that tomorrow, and I assist as needed, I will focus on the electrical and getting that finished. The weather is supposed to be fine Thursday, after a light shower or two tonight, so I might get the trencher rented for the underground feeder from our electric panel to the house. We have a separate panel outside of the house for our meter-base (where the electric co-op terminates their service). From there it splits out to a panel for the temporary service (future garage panel) and another 200A disconnect for the feeder to the house. Since the building inspectors treat the panel as it's own 'building', we will have a disconnect for the house panel, like a regular electric panel, inside the house.

Off to bed and back to work tomorrow.

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